Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Make your Writing Goals and Accomplish Them

Set specific goals to increase motivation and achieve success now!

With writing, success takes more than just talent, it also takes a lot of work. The motivation to sit and write, especially a long project, can be hard to come by. However, if you set yourself incremental goals, specify how much you want to accomplish in each period of time you work, and keep at it, you will start seeing real results.

One way to plan your steps to writing success is to use page counts or word counts. If you know approximately how many pages/words your project needs to be, this is even easier because you can simply divide it up. This is the technique used in for NANOWRIMO, the organization that challenges contestants to write a 50,000 word novel in the month of november. Divided equally it's around 1,667 words per day, which is challenging, but doable. Even if you don't know your ultimate wordcount goal, however, it can still be useful to set a minimum balance or average daily or weekly word count goal. When you do this you will be able to measure your success, and you will feel like you've accomplished something each day, which can help you keep your motivation level high. That's a psychological fact, by the way.

Another way to do this is to break it up in terms of scenes. If this is your preference, it can be helpful to have a fairly detailed outline so you know how many scenes you need, and where you are in the story.

Personally, I find it helpful to alternate between these two methods of project break down. I'm more likely to base it on wordcount when I don't have much of an outline, or when I'm doing a shorter piece. I base it on scenes when I do have a good outline. I also may combine the two techniques for my longest projects. Trying to get a specific amount of scenes done at certain points in the process, while at other times I just strive to maintain a certain word count. It's up to you because as long as you do have specific goals covering short periods of time, you will accomplish a lot, little by little.


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