Among the best tools for writing while on the go is my smart phone, and a handy blue tooth device.
I'm not one of those people who wants to carry my laptop everywhere, and even a netbook seemed too heavy when I was contemplating what things to put in a small pack I would be carrying everywhere during my six-week trip in Europe. At the same time, I had just gotten to page 50 in my novel, and I didn't want to take such a long break from writing. I also wanted to be able to update my travel blog from anywhere with a wifi connection. So I went on a hunt for the lightest, and cheapest options for writing on the go.
Luckily my whole family needed to upgrade phones at the same time. So we all got a deal on Android-based HTC phones with all those fun apps and capabilities. Naturally I was excited at the possibilities and went on a hunt for tools I could pair with the phone to help me out. First, the word processor. I wanted to be able to make documents that could be easily transferred to my computer, without paying any money. Microsoft's phone-sized software is actually pretty cheap, but I wound up figuring out something even better. I use a free app, instead, called Note Everything (there are others that do the same thing). In this app you can make a text, voice, or paint note. With an internet connection you can upload whatever text you type to your Google Documents, which is even better than Word because it is accessible from any computer (yay clouds!). For my blog, I got the wordpress app, which automated that process pretty easily.
Then I needed to find the hardware. There was no way I could type 500-1000 word blog posts or whole chapters using the tiny touch screen keyboard on my phone. But as it turns out, there is a great portable keyboard that connects via bluetooth to any android or iphone. The device cost me around $75 dollars and the drivers were free. I'm honestly surprised there aren't more of these types of devices offered. Even now, when you search for wireless keyboards, the only ones that come up immediately are only suitable for desktop computers. The Freedom Pro Universal Bluetooth Keyboard, is the only one that folds, connects wirelessly, and is compatible with phones. It's truly amazing. It may be a bit small or uncomfortable, but overall it works. It weighs less than a pound, and fits in small bags. I got it for my trip to Europe, but now I take it everywhere along with old fashioned pen and notepad for when inspiration strikes.

The perfect (and practically only phone-capable) portable keyboard!
Buy it on Amazon!
More companies should really be making these things....