If you've been reading the countless articles, letters, and stories written by writers about writing, you know the ever present suggestion that practice makes perfect applies to writing just as much as any other craft. To learn to write you have to, well, write. The more words you put down the closer you will get to being a word artist. The more sentences you create, the better you will be at manipulating their structure. The more stories you craft, the more interesting and dynamic your characters and plots will become.
Right now perhaps you are waiting for an idea, or for inspiration. Maybe you're making up excuses about not having time. Maybe you think you need to take a class first. While a class, more time, and ispiration can certainly help you write. They won't turn you into a writer. Only you can do that, and only by consistantly practicing in one way or another.
You can practice by freewriting, practice by finding prompts, or even practice by copying the style of others. And though all of these things may not be publishable, and actualy likely won't be because they will be sloppy or to similar to another story, you will be learning something. You may also find that ever elusive inspiration.
I will be posting exercises in another section of this blog that will help you start practicing, so stay tuned!